
Ghana Sumatra Limited

Our Company

Based in Ghana's Eastern oil palm belt, we are a company that specialises in the production of germinated oil palm seeds supplying Oil Palm growers, whether plantations or smallholders, here in Ghana and other oil palm growing areas Africa, the Americas and Asia. Our DxP seeds' parents are selected from the widest gene pool of breeding palms in Africa and are specifically adapted for lower rainfall conditions and resistance to Fusarium wilt whilst giving high yields with excellent oil to bunch ratios in areas with 0-4 months drought conditions.

Our production of the seeds is tightly controlled using industry best practice and to a quality management system that is certified to ISO9001: 2015 standard that embodies our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. Our quality systems ensure that we have full traceability for our seeds so that we know the Dura and Pisifera parents that have been used to produce each bag of 100 seeds sold to our customers. Our pollinators' work to exacting criteria that guarantee that less than 1 seed in 1,000, that is less than 1 palm in 6ha, are off type.

We are an active associate member of the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and the Ghana National Interpretation Working Group work (GNIWG) on the RSPO's Principles and Criteria. The work of the GNIWG bore fruit on the 2nd March 2011 when the palm oil industry of Ghana became the first African country to obtain RSPO approval for the alignment of the Principles and Criteria (P&C) to the laws and regulations of the country. Ghana’s own aligned RSPO P&C will allow RSPO member companies in Ghana to seek certification for their palm oil production, giving palm oil producers greater marketing flexibility for their products. Our commitment to RSPO allows us to partner the industry in their sustainability, social, safety and environmental goals.

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Ghana Sumatra Limited

Our Heritage

Though oil palm is indigenous to Ghana and West Africa, the first commercial oil palm plantations in Ghana were established in 1955 at Sese and Pretsea in the Western Region. Prior to this, the palm oil was extracted from palms growing in wild groves scattered throughout the tropical belt of Ghana and used within the household and traded as oil both locally and occasionally internationally. The origins of the non-improved wild Elaeis guineensis lie within the West African region and has bestowed on Ghana Sumatra's joint venture partners unique breeding opportunities based on this expansive gene pool.

Our Company was born out of the close research ties between the scientists in Ghana's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research's Oil Palm Research Institute based at Kade, Eastern Region in Ghana, and PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk's Sumatra Bioscience based at the Bah Lias Research Station, North Sumatra in Indonesia. Both organisations have established unique positions within their home markets and upon these strengths Ghana Sumatra. The signing of a joint venture agreement in May 2008 between the two research groups created Ghana Sumatra Limited whose goal is the production and supply the highest quality germinated oil palm seed for both Ghana and international customers.

Our Research Arm

CSIR - Oil Palm Research Institute, Kusi, Ghana

CSIR-OPRI began as a substation of the West African Institute of Oil Palm Research (WAIFOR) headquartered in Nigeria, and first established their research oil palm fields in 1961 at Okumaning, near Kade, Eastern Region in Ghana. In the early 1960's WAIFOR split into national institutes that have since evolved into the Nigerian organisation, now known as the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR), and the Ghana's Oil Palm Research Institute.

The WAIFOR substation became in 1964 a division of the Crops Research Institute under the umbrella of Ghana’s Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) when they took over the Ghanaian responsibilities of WAIFOR. Later the division was upgraded to a centre (Oil Palm Research Centre, OPRC) and gained autonomy from the Crops Research Institute in 1979. It became a fully-fledged institute in 1988.

The OPRI is responsible for oil palm research within Ghana and has departmental expertise in agronomy, breeding and crop protection. Since 1992 OPRI's remit was extended to include similar work in coconuts.

Today they have an enviable selection of oil palms that have been collected from wild populations, and regional and international collections. These provide a unique and diverse genetic base from which OPRI's Breeding Officers have selected out the best seed crosses combining drought and Fusarium wilt resistance with high oil to bunch ratios and yields. These desirable palm characteristics are a natural outcome of the ideal location of the OPRI's research station in an area of moderate annual soil water moisture deficit.

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